Spring is Coming! Sage 200 Spring Enhancement Release

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Sage 200 Spring enhancements are due for imminent release in April 2018. This version update is the latest in a series of recent product enhancement releases to launch the re-branded Sage 200 product in the UK and Ireland.

As with all of the recent version releases, Sage 200 has been built on direct customer feedback with the key focus being on simplifying business processes whilst improving the user experience.

Highlights of the new release include:

  • Making Tax Digital ready – HMRC enter beta in April 2018 ahead of Making Tax Digital (VAT) coming into effect in April 2019. This release supports the current HMRC beta (see more on MTD here).
  • General Data Protection Regulation support – Sage cannot make their products GDPR compliant (see further GDPR information here), but they are providing reports that will help customers achieve compliance within their business.
  • The ability to hide redundant nominal and cash book accounts – the most frequently requested item in the Sage 200 Ideas Hub.
  • Automatically refreshing all list views throughout the program – second only to hiding accounts in popularity on the Sage 200 Ideas Hub. No further need for Sage 200 users to replace the F5 key on their keyboard 3 times per year!
  • Convert Quote to Proforma – Convert a quote to a proforma to collect payment prior to creating a sales order. There is also a new process to create a Pro-forma from an Invoice.
  • Licence Warning – All existing users of Sage 200 will love this one! Every user is currently warned every day for 60 days before their annual licence expires. The licence cannot be renewed until the Business Partner invoices the customer which is usually 30 days before the licence expires. The licence warning is within the top ten on the Ideas Hub and has been a regular complaint from both customers and Business Partners for years. Sage has now changed the licence warning to appear from 30 days of the licence expiring. Hooray!

For more information on the new Sage 200 Spring Enhancement release or to discuss any aspect of your Sage requirements please contact us on 01332 959008 or [email protected]

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